By: on February 23, 2021
Education is the foundation of the future. In this article, we will enlighten the ways how interactive video wall displays can make education more effective. Gone are the old-school ways of teaching on a board and marker. The future is about video wall display, and all major schools are now implementing these ways to give a new direction to teaching. In the past decade, there have been many changes in the ways, teachers teach and the major one is the introduction of the interactive display. ...
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By: on January 14, 2021
Business meetings held at Executive Boardrooms and conference centers are vital cogs in the wheel of any successful business or organization. Here, you brainstorm with key collaborators and come up with great ideas. In addition, these are the places where you get a chance to know your workers and possible customers better. The days when such meetings were confined to the company premises are almost over. Today, many businesses and organizations are holding meetings outside of the firm’s premis...
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